The importance of the measures is essential in our environment?
Of course it is important that we are aware of everything that is happening, we are not in the best moment of our lives and therefore we must become aware and apply the measures that the health secretary asks us, we must understand that they are for our good, which are due to being healthy, we almost always get to do or take this type of measures but, let's be honest, we have not always done so. We have a planet called earth, and this gives us life, as human beings our only job would be to take care of ourselves, to abide by certain rules that for obvious reasons will give a good result both in our health and in our environment, so we can face various diseases, viruses and bacteria that could affect us and even kill us for not having good hygiene.
In this writing I want to ask you in the most spontaneous way to take care of your health by following these measures, both at home and to reinforce them even more in case of going out, being outside we run many more risks of diseases not only of covid-19, we must continue these measures for our own good, we seek health and a better world for all, a healthy world without a virus that has us all locked up and desperate without knowing what could happen tomorrow, we must follow these recommendations to use our hygiene to take care of ourselves and others.
Health prevention involves working on the modification of habits or behaviors that contribute to being healthy, in addition to the early detection of diseases. Encouraging physical activity, promoting a healthy diet and avoiding tobacco are actions to work in a preventive medical consultation.
In addition to the actions carried out by the health sector, the population plays an important role in reducing the probability of exposure and transmission of the virus, for this reason we must carry out personal and environmental hygiene measures.
Hence the importance for all people to make a habit of measures that include simple hygiene procedures, both personal and environmental, which are commonly carried out in the different places where they carry out their daily activities.

Preventive health measures:
• Always wash your hands frequently with soap and water or use 70% alcohol-based gel solutions.
• Always when coughing or sneezing, use the label sneeze, which consists of covering the nose and mouth with a disposable tissue or with the internal corner of the arm.
• Never spit. If necessary, use a disposable tissue, put it in a plastic bag, tie it and throw it in the trash; then wash your hands.
• You hardly ever touch your face with dirty hands, especially your nose, mouth and eyes.
• Always clean and disinfect surfaces and objects of common use in houses, offices, closed places, transport, meeting centers, etc., ventilate and allow sunlight to enter.
• Almost always stay home when you have respiratory illnesses and go to the doctor if any of the symptoms appear (fever higher than 38 ° C, headache, sore throat, runny nose, etc.).
• Always avoid as far as possible contact with people who have respiratory diseases
• Always wash and disinfect the foods that we are going to consume, such as fruits and vegetables.
• Almost always avoid eating food that is exposed on the street.
• Never go out without a mouth cap, it is essential to avoid any type of contagion.

These are the appropriate measures that we must pay attention to in case of going abroad, and remember to try not to go outside, let's end with the covid-19, together we are more...
The importance of the measures is essential in our environment?
Of course it is important that we are aware of everything that is happening, we are not in the best moment of our lives and therefore we must become aware and apply the measures that the health secretary asks us, we must understand that they are for our good, which are due to being healthy, we almost always get to do or take this type of measures but, let's be honest, we have not always done so. We have a planet called earth, and this gives us life, as human beings our only job would be to take care of ourselves, to abide by certain rules that for obvious reasons will give a good result both in our health and in our environment, so we can face various diseases, viruses and bacteria that could affect us and even kill us for not having good hygiene.
In this writing I want to ask you in the most spontaneous way to take care of your health by following these measures, both at home and to reinforce them even more in case of going out, being outside we run many more risks of diseases not only of covid-19, we must continue these measures for our own good, we seek health and a better world for all, a healthy world without a virus that has us all locked up and desperate without knowing what could happen tomorrow, we must follow these recommendations to use our hygiene to take care of ourselves and others.
Health prevention involves working on the modification of habits or behaviors that contribute to being healthy, in addition to the early detection of diseases. Encouraging physical activity, promoting a healthy diet and avoiding tobacco are actions to work in a preventive medical consultation.
In addition to the actions carried out by the health sector, the population plays an important role in reducing the probability of exposure and transmission of the virus, for this reason we must carry out personal and environmental hygiene measures.
Hence the importance for all people to make a habit of measures that include simple hygiene procedures, both personal and environmental, which are commonly carried out in the different places where they carry out their daily activities.

Preventive health measures:
• Always wash your hands frequently with soap and water or use 70% alcohol-based gel solutions.
• Always when coughing or sneezing, use the label sneeze, which consists of covering the nose and mouth with a disposable tissue or with the internal corner of the arm.
• Never spit. If necessary, use a disposable tissue, put it in a plastic bag, tie it and throw it in the trash; then wash your hands.
• You hardly ever touch your face with dirty hands, especially your nose, mouth and eyes.
• Always clean and disinfect surfaces and objects of common use in houses, offices, closed places, transport, meeting centers, etc., ventilate and allow sunlight to enter.
• Almost always stay home when you have respiratory illnesses and go to the doctor if any of the symptoms appear (fever higher than 38 ° C, headache, sore throat, runny nose, etc.).
• Always avoid as far as possible contact with people who have respiratory diseases
• Always wash and disinfect the foods that we are going to consume, such as fruits and vegetables.
• Almost always avoid eating food that is exposed on the street.
• Never go out without a mouth cap, it is essential to avoid any type of contagion.

These are the appropriate measures that we must pay attention to in case of going abroad, and remember to try not to go outside, let's end with the covid-19, together we are more...
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